The Human Motivation and Affective Neuroscience Lab (HuMAN LAB) is committed to the principles of open science and adopts the following practices for all research and peer-reviewed journal manuscripts published from August 2017 onward:
- Preregistration: Our research projects are preregistered using platforms such as When submitting manuscripts to journals, we provide the link to the preregistration in the cover letter to the editor.
- Authorship contributions: In our journal manuscripts, we provide explicit statements regarding authorship contributions for individuals listed as authors. To ensure transparency, we use the guidelines provided by Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences to determine criteria for authorship.
- Open data: Complying with the recommendations of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, we make all data leading to our paperĀ“s conclusions publicly accessible along with the manuscript upon publication (either on the journal’s website or on the Open Science platform at This includes the raw data, the full data sheet along with a codebook explaining our variables and the complete syntax, including transformations performed on raw data prior to analysis. Of course, all personally identifying information will be removed from shared data to protect the confidentiality of all research participants.
- Open materials: All materials, tasks and tests (if not copyrighted by a third party) are available to any other researcher in the form of our Inquisit-scripts upon request. If the derivation of a new task is the actual topic of a paper, we will make the task itself available online, too (e.g., at Also, our study logbook and other aspects of the research process (e.g., codings of PSE-stories) are available upon request.
- Open-access endorsement: The members of the HuMAN LAB routinely prefer open-access publication to ensure that our research is not hidden behind paywalls, but accessible free of charge to other scientists and the public. The members of the HuMAN Lab will also preferentially review and edit for full-OA journals to support this type of publication.
- Retrograde open science: Despite the principal investigator’s best efforts to lose all data and research materials due to computer malfunction, frequent transatlantic moves, or feeding everything to the dog, the HuMAN Lab still has a full archive and virtually complete track record of all studies ever run, including the original research materials. The HuMAN Lab is therefore committed to make data and research tools of studies published before August 2017 accessible to other scientists by incrementally uploading datasets and instruments to the Open Science platform ( This may take a while. But if you are interested in obtaining a data set or research tools from an older publication, do not hesitate to get in touch with the author team.